trusted Cloud

Service hosted on Google Cloud Platform with deep integration of Google Cloud

always up and running

Your brand's mill service delivers all the benefits of the public cloud: No installation, highly available with continuous improvement to share clever technology with you.

Your data is yours

We deliver trusted, flexible and scalable cloud services for your business. Your data is protected: privacy

Your brand`s mill service works on a platform called aa Service "PaaS", the `Google App Engine` in the care of Google's data centers.

Google offers security in the sense of a data protection intended for Europe.

Your data is safe: data security

For the security of your data, the `High Replication Datastore` (HRD) of Google's App Engine is in use.

HRD is a highly available and extremely secure storage system. In addition to the availability during planned infrastructure maintenance, it also ensures service availability during unplanned events, even in the event of a disaster at one location. This is achieved by `true multihoming`, data replication across data centers using a system based on the Paxos algorithm.

This ensures a very high degree of data availability.

You can count on us. We gladly accept your requirements. Use Teamwork free & fair and subscribe to more according to your needs.

You are ready for brand's mill

Your IT budget is limited and you do not want to invest too much in your IT infrastructure?

Do you need a solution to a specific task without disrupting your business operations?

For many business cases, do you use spreadsheets or simple standard applications in the office and have not yet invested in custom solutions?

Are you planning to automate important processes using best practices?

Your company already operates solutions with outsourcing partners or does it basically support this operating model (Cloud, SaaS, PaaS, Iaas)?

In the long term, you plan to be more predictable and flexible in terms of IT administration and maintenance (pay as you go, TCO, on demand)?

You answered yes to one of the questions, so we should talk about it.